Tembe Swami (Vasudevananda Saraswati)
Overview and Significance
Shri Vasudevananda Saraswati (also called Tembe Swami) was born to Shri Ganesh Tembe and Sou Ramabai on 13th August 1854. His parents were devotees of Lord Dattatreya. At the age of 8, he underwent the upanayana (sacred thread) ceremony and learned Vedic literature, astrology, and Sanskrit.
At the age of 21, Shri Vasudev got married and later, after the death of his wife, took the path of Sannyasa to spread spiritual knowledge. For almost more than 23 years, he roamed across India to spread Sanatana Dharma, following the strict rules of Sannyasa Dharma. He installed several idols of Lord Dattatreya in India.
Maharaj Tembe Swami stayed in Narsobawadi for 12 years. He has written around 19 books on spirituality.
Tembe Swami took mahasamadhi in the year 1914 on Jyeshtha Vadya Amavasya (no moon day). Later, His body was immersed into the Narmada River.
Life History
VASUDEVANANDA SARASWATI (Tembe Swami) was born in the Mangaon village in Maharashtra in a Brahmin family. His parents were devotees of Lord Dattatreya; his father, Shri Ganesh Bhataji Tembe, spent many years in the temple of Lord Datta in Ganagapur, Karnataka.
Tradition holds that Lord Datta appeared in the dream of Shri Ganesh Tembe and informed him to go back home and that he would be born as his son. Vasudeo was born on the 5th day of the dark fortnight of the month of Shravan of 1854 A.D. after his father returned from Gangapur. Later he was called Vasudev Shastri or ‘Buwa’ as a sign of respect.
At a very young age, Vasudeo mastered the basics of Sanskrit literature poetry. After initiation into Vedic study and upanayana (at the age of 8), he started doing Sandhya Vandana daily twice — Parayan of the Guru Charitra and chanting of the Gayatri Mantra. He began studying Vedas under the guidance of Shri Tatya Bhataji Ukidave. He also learned astrology and Sanskrit poetry from Shri Sadhale Shastri.
- Due to his intense spiritual practices, Vasudeo attained Mantra Siddhi (superhuman abilities) in his younger years.
Once, while walking through a forest together with a priest, he suddenly saw a snake slithering in their path, and his companion asked Vasudeo if he could try a mantra on it. Instantly Vasudeo took some dust in his hand and, reciting an appropriate mantra, sprinkled it circularly around the snake. All of a sudden, the snake stopped. It wasn’t able to cross the circle and started moving round and round inside the ring itself. The two went ahead with their work in the nearby village and returned home, forgetting about the snake. The next afternoon Vasudeo recollected the incident and went back to the forest together with his friend. To his surprise, he found the snake still inside the circle, totally exhausted. Immediately he chanted the antidote mantra, taking some dust nearby, and released the creature. It immediately went back into the bushes. This had an immense impact on him so that he never used the mantra again. - At his sister’s place, he pacified an aggressive cow into a docile one using his Mantra Siddhi.
- At one instance, he gave the exact description and place of a gang of robbers to the police using his yogic abilities.
- He helped many people with their chronic ailments using his Mantra knowledge.
Later on, he was addressed as Vasudeo Shastri.
At the age of 21, his marriage was settled by his teachers, Ukidave and Alavani, without considering his or anybody else’s opinion. But his marriage was no bed of roses. His wife was not on good terms with his mother, and he had to face a lot of turmoil which later lead to intensifying thoughts of renunciation.
Later he went to Narsobavadi, where Datta Avatar Shri Narasimha Saraswati had spent 12 years in penance. There he came across a saint named Shri Govind Swami, who from that time on became the mentor of Vasudeva Shastri.
With constant Yoga and austerities, he acquired Siddhis and higher spiritual knowledge, which he utilized for helping people with their worldly problems. This went on for almost one year, after which Lord Datta forbade him from doing so.
As people grew jealous of his growing name and fame, a few even used black magic on him, due to which he suffered from a severe form of dysentery. Even though he could nullify it, he allowed the suffering because, in the process of refusing it, the culprit himself would have been harmed; such was his compassion to others.
Lord Datta later appeared to him and ordered the consummation of his married life, which he had neglected for a long time. One day he found his wife in deep meditation. She stayed near the temple. He was able to bring her out with great effort, but she replied to him, ‘Why did you disturb me? I was in deep bliss.’
Finally, his master Shri Govind Swamis’ end approached. Later, His body was flown into the Krishna waters. A short while after that, Vasudeo got the divine order to proceed towards the north, and soon after, his wife passed away due to cholera (1891). Thirteen days after his wife passed away, he entered into asceticism. Later, Lord Dattatreya ordered him to travel through the entire of India and preach Sanatana Dharma.
He washed his clothes and utensils all by himself and never accepted anyone’s service. He always traveled on foot and never used sandals. There were days when one devotee inspected his feet and saw more than 20 thorns in his feet, but he never gave any indication of it as he was beyond the perception of bodily pain or pleasure.
He strictly performed rigorous spiritual austerities and discipline of sannyasa dharma.
He used to wake up at least 3 hours before sunrise and bathe three times a day. He was a master of all Vedic texts, yoga, and Ayurveda.
In the summer of 1914, his chronic dysentery got worse, and he gave signs of his oncoming departure to his devotees. He informed them about the black magic done on him in his householder days and his intention not to retaliate. He even advised them that he would be going to drop his body soon. Even on his last day, he tried to perform his nityakarma but couldn’t even hold a glass of water.
He mentioned, ‘Once today’s Amavasya is over, this physical body has to be dropped.’
On Tuesday, Nakshatra Ardra, Ayan Uttara, he, facing west, performed Tratak (steady gaze) and, controlling his breath, left the physical body chanting OM.

Tradition and Gurus
One night, during his first visit to Narsobawadi, Vasudeva Shastri descended to the river to wash his feet. Later that night, he went to the temple and, while he was circumambulating it, suddenly came across a tall and radiant monk who confronted him: ‘Don’t you know the rule not to visit the temple after the night seva?’ Vasudeva Shastri offered salutations and requested forgiveness. When he informed this incident to Shri Govind Swami, he was told that the monk was none other than Shri Narasimha Saraswati Himself.
Towards the end of the stay at Narsobawadi, Lord Dattatreya ordered Vasudeva Shastri Ji to stay at the village Mangaon for seven years. After this instruction, he started his way to the town of Mangaon after worshiping the Mother Goddess at Kolhapur. On his journey, while in a market, he received a thought about consecrating an idol of Lord Dattatreya. Just then, the sculptor of the shop himself came to Tembe Swami and informed him that he would make an idol and enquired about the required specifications, as he was considering making an idol of Dattatreya. This is because Lord Datta Himself had appeared and had instructed the sculptor in a dream. Moreover, the money required was provided by a local gentleman.
At Mangaon, a widowed landowner received a message in a dream from Lord Dattatreya to donate land to Vasudeva Shastri Ji for a temple. Without much effort, the temple work was started, and, as per the promise of Dattatreya, Lord Datta began to stay there. Within a short period, the temple became very famous. Datta padukas were consecrated near the Audumbar tree.
When Tembe Swami came to know that Shankaracharya of Sringeri Peetham, Shri Narsinh Bharti, stayed at Srirangam, he met him and even composed hymns in praise of Sharadamba and Adi Sankaracharya. Shankaracharya of Shringeri Peetham told his disciples, ‘You people have not recognized the great master who has arrived today. He is Lord Dattatreya himself incarnate. His work of reviving Sanatana Dharma is comparable to that of Adi Sankaracharya.’

– The primary objective of human life is to obtain liberation (from the recurring cycles of birth and death).
– One may pursue any means for livelihood, e.g. business, agriculture, or service. However, one should never abandon the conduct ordained by Vedas and obedience to the Guru. Observance of one’s religious duties only purifies the mind. Only a purified mind gets established in Upasana (progress towards God), which is the only source of peace of mind. Only a peaceful mind is capable of self-knowledge, which is the sole means of liberation.’ – Source – Wikipedia
– Emphasis should be on the study, i.e. the listening to discourses by detached and realised persons.

- A young lady was brought to Maharaj suffering from stiff joints and loss of sight. After Maharaj sprinkled some water from his kamandalu, a spirit started shouting that it wanted to leave the body. Later the lady went home, back walking again and apparently cured of her disease. His devotees witnessed many such miracles.
- A man by the name of Shripad Shastri Iyer brought his sister to Maharaj complaining of recurrent fainting. Maharaj told him that it was due to a Pishacha/Ghost and gave a remedy to cure her. The ghost even started to communicate with her and then departed.
A prostitute named Saraswati Bai came to Narsobawadi and used to sing in front of the padukas of Lord Dattatreya. Seeing her devotion, Tembe Swami prayed to Lord Datta to give her spiritual transformation. Later, by the grace of Lord Datta, she progressed deep into meditation and turned into a pious lady.
A woman who was deserted by her husband had only a small farm for her livelihood. Once, the harvest was reaped and stored in open land. She put the dust from the feet of Tembe Swami around it and promised to serve meals to priests. Despite heavy rainfall, not even a single grain of the harvest was lost.
Datta Guru used to punish Tembe Swamiji if he went against his order. Once, while Shri Tembe Swami was at Mahatpur Chaturmaas, Datta Prabhu ordered Shri Maharaj to leave immediately for Brahmavart, which he didn’t, to complete rituals pertaining to an eclipse. Shri Tembe Swamiji eventually suffered from a snakebite, which took him almost ten days to recover from. Only after he recovered, he left Mahatpur.
Even while traveling, if Shri Tembe Swami Maharaj did not take the direction commanded by Datta Prabhu, he would hear a thunderous and painful banging in his ears till he corrected the course.
Lord Dattatreya has appeared in the dreams of many devotees and asked them to visit Garudeshwar on the banks of Narmada River, as he is residing there in the form of Shri Vasudevananda Saraswati.
Even after his Mahasamadhi, an artisan working on the ongoing construction had an infection of his foot which disabled him from the ongoing sacred work. The following day, a monk appeared to him and pointed at some shrub to be applied over his foot. He followed the instructions and recovered the next day. Later, when he was shown the picture of Maharaj, he realized that the monk who treated him was none other than Maharaj himself.
‘A Compact Biography of Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati (Tembe Swami)’ By Dr. VASUDEO V. Deshmukh.

Contemporary Masters
Once, when he was traveling to Pandharpur, Tembe Swami had a dream in which a tall man appeared with his hands extending to his knees, who said to Maharaj, ‘You travel all over and compose poetry. How come you pay no attention to me?’ After waking up, Maharaj enquired about this to Datta, and Datta replied, ‘He is Akkalkot Maharaj Swami Samarth; he desires you to visit him and write his biography.’ Accordingly, Tembe Swami visited Akkalkot and wrote his biography. Akkalkot Maharaj is a famous Avatar of Lord Dattatreya.
Once Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati, known as Shri Tembe Swami, encamped, at Rajamundhry, on the banks of Godavari. . . . One, Mr. Pundalikrao, went to see him with some friends. While they were talking with him, the names of Shirdi and Sai Baba were casually mentioned. Hearing Baba’s name, the Swami bowed with his hands; and taking a coconut gave it to Pundalikrao, and said to him, ‘Offer this to my brother Sai, with my pranam and request Him not to forget me, but ever love me.’ He also added that the Swamis do not generally bow to others, but in this case an exception had to be made. Mr Pundalikrao consented to take the fruit and his message to Baba. . . .
After one month Pundalikrao and others left for Shirdi with the coconut, and reached Manmad, and as they felt thirsty they went to a rivulet for drinking water. As water should not be drunk on an empty stomach, they took out some chivda (flattened rice mixed with spice). The chivda tasted pungent and in order to soften it, someone suggested and broke the coconut and mixed its scrapings with it. Thus they made the chivda more tasty and palatable. Unfortunately, the fruit that was broken turned out to be the same that was entrusted to Pundalikrao.
As they neared Shirdi, Pundalikrao remembered the trust item—the coconut—and was very sorry to learn that it was broken and utilised. Fearing and trembling, he came to Shirdi and saw Baba. Baba had already received a [telepathic] communication regarding the coconut from the Tembe Swami, yet he asked Pundalikrao first to give the things sent by His brother. He held fast to Baba’s Feet, confessed his guilt and negligence, repented and asked for Baba’s pardon. He offered to give another fruit as a substitute, but Baba refused to accept it saying that the worth of that coconut was, by far, many times more than an ordinary one and that it could not be replaced by another one. Baba also added: ‘Now you need not worry yourself any more about the matter. It was on account of my wish that the coconut was entrusted to you, and ultimately broken on the way; why should you take the responsibility of the actions on you? Do not entertain the sense of doership in doing good, as well as for bad deeds; be entirely prideless and egoless in all things and thus your spiritual progress will be rapid.’
Holy Sites and Pilgrimages
- Mangaon Temple, the Temple at his birthplace.
- Sree Kshetra Garudeswar – The tomb/Samadhi of Tembe Swami on the banks of the Narmada River, where he took his samadhi, located in the village Garudeshwar in Gujarat. There is a famous Datta Mandir in the same place.
- Tembe Swami Math at Usha Nagar, Mogalwadi, Khopoli, Maharashtra.
- Sadguru Prabhakar Tembe Swami Maharaj Temple, Pune, Maharashtra.
- Tembe Swami Maharaj Cave, Kuravpur. The cave where Tembe Swami did penance.
- Shrimat Paramhans Parivrajakacharya Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati (Tembe) Swami Maharaj
- Shri Gurudevcharitra by Param Pujya Brahmarshi Shri Datta Maharaj Kavishvar (Marathi)
- Smruti Sourabh by the Vaidya brothers
- A Compact Biography of Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati Tembe Swami by Dr. VASUDEO V. Deshmukh
(available as .pdf in English)