Avadhuta Gita

History & Context

Avadhuta Gita is a sacred text attributed to Lord Dattatreya Himself, and therefore it can be seen as the main scripture of the Dattatreya-Avadhuta Tradition. The text, whose title can be roughly translated as ‘Song of the Free’, presents a crystal clear vision over the course of 289 shlokas of the pure non-dual, non-relative goal of the Avadhuta Path—the condition of Perfect Avadhutahood—Complete Liberation.

There is no exact date on record for the composition of the text, but it is thought to have been composed in its present written Sanskrit form between the 9th and 10th centuries. That the text was written at this time along with the fact that Lord Dattatreya was only known to be incarnated in His fully embodied form during the higher Yugas of Satya and Treta—all of this actually points to a possible hypothesis that the text was transmitted from Lord Dattatreya through one of the embodied Nath or Avadhuta Masters of the time. One such Nath Master, whose possible authorship of Avadhuta Gita has been questioned, is Gorakhnath. This possibility would make sense due to the fact that Gorakhnath is seen, alongside Lord Dattatreya, Adi Nath Shiva and Matsyendranath, as one of the fountainheads of the Nath sect. In this case, the question of authorship may be immaterial because the consciousness of such Masters, and the way they actually perceive Reality, cannot really be said to be different. Thus, such texts like Avadhuta Gita that repeatedly describe and affirm, in no uncertain terms, the nature of Reality could easily be written by any Master who is fully established in the Supreme Consciousness.


The entire book is devoted to affirming the identity of the Avadhuta as the Supreme Consciousness of Reality Itself. This is not presented in such a way that presumes the Avadhuta to be a special or ‘chosen’ being, but rather to illustrate that he is the one who, through removing the power of his attention from all flows of mental activity that presume a dual creation, has come to see and establish himself in the truth that the entire creation is the expression of one sole sphere of Consciousness.

Avadhuta Gita is not a text that deal so much with voluntary spiritual practices or methods; instead it simply states over and over what the nature of Reality is and how the Avadhuta is also such a being who delights in, and expresses himself as, this nature fully. Though a text written in this way leaves little to nothing for the intellect or imagination to chew on, it mainly functions through the way that it transmits the precise inner state of the Avadhuta through) words. This is not a book that we are to attempt to understand with the conceptual, intellectual mind, but rather one which we are to use as an aid to help us dissolve the very mind that constantly wants to understand, analyse and frame things within the sphere of its own conditioned framework of perception. 

Just like the presence of an embodied Avadhuta, this book, Avadhuta Gita, is not something to be thought about but rather something to be directly experienced through consistent contemplative immersion and absorption.

Key Passages

Neither impurity nor purity, nor wholeness nor division appear within Me. I am by nature free and at peace. 

– Chapter IV, Verse 4

I am free in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end. I am never bound. This is my sure knowledge—that I am naturally spotless and pure.

– Chapter I, Verse 44

I was never born and I will never die. I have never committed any action, neither good nor evil. I am Reality, stainless and without attribute. How can there be bondage or liberation for Me?

– Chapter I, Verse 59

I am the Ever Supreme Absolute. Know me to be the essence of all essences, present at all places and at all times, beyond both birth and death, and stationed in my forever totally free repose as Reality Itself.

– Chapter II, Verse 5

Recommended Editions

Avadhuta Gita: The Reality-Path of Lord Dattatreya by Jack H. Barratt, independently published (December 18, 2021) and available from Amazon worldwide.

Published in India by Gurulight and available from the official Gurulight website. 

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