Nampally Baba
Overview and Significance
Nampally Baba [? – 2004], as devotees call him, is considered as one of the Dattatreya Avadhutas. Devotees call him by this name because he was recognised at the side of the police station in Nampally before moving on to Goulipura to the house of his devotee Mr. Shravan Kumar.
His first appearance occurred in the year 1945 near cremation grounds in Malakpet. In 1972 Baba met with an accident and underwent amputation of his right leg at the Osmania hospital.
Later he was seen again in 1980 at the Nampally police station. In the year 1987, he moved to his devotee Shravan Kumar’s home. Nampally Baba said of himself that he is the sixth Avatar of Lord Dattatreya to one of his devotees.
As a real Avadhtau, he had a unique lifestyle beyond the comprehension of the common man. Even though he rarely bathed, only once in a few months, a beautiful fragrance always emanated from his body.
Many people criticised him, but Master Shri Ekkirala Bharadwaj Ji identified him not as an ordinary person but a great Yogi and an Avadhuta. Master Shri Ekkirala Bharadwaj Ji used to advise many of his students to pay a visit to Nampally Baba and receive his blessings.
There were many instances when Shirdi Sai Baba appeared in the dreams of his devotees and instructed them to visit Nampally Baba as He [Sai] is working in the form of Nampally Baba.
Baba left his mortal frame on November 6th, 2004. A Samadhi Mandir has been constructed with his body placed in the Dharmapuri, Miyapur. Even today, many miracles are experienced by devotees connected to Nampally Baba
Life History
No one knows the parents of Baba, nor his date of birth, or his native place. He was noticed initially in the 1945-50 period at the cremation grounds in Malakpet. In 1950 a few people from Madras claimed to be his relatives, but Baba denied any relationship. It was Mr. Kalava Kolanu Ramakrishna who first noticed Baba at cremation grounds at Malakpet. He was wearing a white coloured shirt and pajama pants with big dreadlocks and long nails and always looked at the sky. Baba commonly wore wet clothes as he bathed directly under a water pump keeping his clothes on, sometimes three times a day.
He used to eat the remains from the plates of customers from a hotel in Malakpet. Despite seeing this, the hotel owner never tried to stop Baba, considering the hotel’s profits ever since Baba started having food there. He used to smoke cigarettes, and after smoking, used to bite the fire end and swallow it or extinguish it by rubbing it over his tongue.
In the year 1972, Baba met with an accident after which his right leg was amputated. After that, no one knew where he was until 1980, when he appeared at the Nampally police station. Henceforth people started calling him by the name Nampally Baba.
Near the Nampally station, his behaviour was also unusual. Baba used to pass stools and urine wherever he used to stay, but no one ever noticed any bad smell!
Baba never displayed minor miracles. Very rarely, Baba used to speak to anyone. But he used to give orders and instructions through visions in dreams and visions during meditation.
With one devotee by the name of Mr. Jyaprakash, Baba spoke in English in a few instances. However, miraculously, no one could notice the movement of his lips during that conversation.
Baba even used to beat people. But whoever he did would make good progress in their life as it is well known that even if Masters give pain to a devotee, it is to remove karma. Many devotees, sadhus, and political leaders came to him, even without anyone propagating his work. Sometimes, a few policemen had to be appointed to control the crowd at Baba’s place.
A devotee named Dr. Gopal Das frequently visited Nampally Baba and even sent patients with chronic diseases to have Darshan of Baba and see them miraculously recover.
Once, when Sri Sri Sri Chandrashekara Saraswati Kanchi Peetadhi Pathi came to Hyderabad, devotees arranged a palanquin for him in which he was seated, and a procession took place. But when the palanquin reached Nampally Baba, Baba was laughing. Sri Chandrashekara Swami raised the curtains and joined hands, looking at Baba. Baba raised both hands as if blessing Chandrashekara Saraswati Ji.
In the year 1987, Baba was taken from Nampally station to Goulipura to stay at the residence of his devotee named Shravan Kumar. One other devotee wanted to take Baba along with him to his place, but Baba kicked him and remained with Shravan Kumar.
When one devotee named Mrs. Lakshmi asked Baba, ‘Baba, Who are you?’ Baba replied, ‘PARA BRAHMA.’
Nobody knows the actual name of Baba. Once a child of two years old was shown Baba and said that he was Datta. She subsequently called him, ‘DATTA, DATTA,’ but he did respond to her.
Baba intimated to many of his devotees before his departure through a vision in their dreams. At the final stages of his life, Baba’s health deteriorated, and a doctor was called. The doctor examined and advised them to take Baba to the Appolo hospital. Suddenly, Baba collapsed, and when taken to the hospital, he was declared dead. This occurred on November 6, 2004. After much discussion, his body was placed at Dharmapuri, Miyapur, and a Samadhi Mandir was constructed over it.
Even today, many devotees visit the place and have Darshan of Baba and circumambulate the Samadhi to receive his blessings. Thus, many devotees still experience miracles by the grace of Baba.

Nampally Baba hardly ever spoke and did not leave any writings. His primary way of teaching His devotees was through inner experiences in dreams and meditation.
Once Master Sri Ekkirala Bharadwaj sent his student Mr. Jaya Chandra Reddy to take darshan of Baba. He went to Baba for three days continuously, but Baba did not speak anything; however, Baba ordered him to bring a cigarette and tea on the third day. On his return – to his astonishment, there was rainfall everywhere around, but nearly more than one foot from Baba was no rain, nor was he drenched! He was astounded seeing this miracle.
One devotee by the name of Mr. Ramakrishna Murthy records a miracle that he witnessed. One Unani doctor came to Baba taking a bottle of water with him and asked Baba, ‘My wife is sick; why are you not doing anything for her ?’ Baba took the bottle, spat in it, and returned the bottle. His wife had breast cancer and not getting relief from any medication, but was miraculously cured by drinking the water given by Baba!
Mrs. Shobamma (the wife of Shravan Kumar) was a little afraid of getting close to Baba, especially when no one else was there. Once Baba called her to come near him and placed his leg over her leg. She started pressing Baba’s feet, and suddenly, she noticed that they were softer and lighter than wool. She exclaimed, ‘What is this Baba, your feet are softer and lighter than cotton?’ All of a sudden, they became so heavy that she couldn’t bear the weight of them. A little later, they became normal. As Baba was an Avadhuta, he was master of Garima and Laghima Siddhis (which are among the eight Maha Siddhis)
After he had planned to go to Nampally Baba, one man thought to himself, ‘What’s the use of going to Baba? He will not talk to anyone anyways.’ Thinking in this fashion, he eventually canceled his trip to visit Baba. Baba appeared to him that night in his dream, and to his surprise, he noticed that Baba was speaking to a devotee in Telugu very fluently! The great lesson is that Guru’s silence is sufficient to uplift his students.
One night Baba appeared in the dream of Shravan Kumar’s son and ordered him to cut down the Audumbar tree on the premises. However, he did not dare to cut it, considering its spiritual significance. Later in the next few days, the entire room of Baba, including his food, was filled with black insects. First, they all realised that those insects were coming from the tree; later, they had no option other than to cut down the tree, only after which the insects disappeared.
There was a devotee named Mr. Jaya Prakash, who had the vision of Jalaluddin Baba when he stayed in a Dargah. While he slept in Dargah, he saw smoke out of which he saw a Fakir appear with white clothes with an enormous glow on his face. He gave Mr. Jaya Prakash a mantra to recite. Later he came to know that he was none other than Jalaluddin Baba Himself! When Jaya Prakash visited Nampally Baba, Baba asked him, ‘Do you want to see your Baba?’He replied, ‘Yes.’ Immediately, smoke covered the entire place, and then he had a darshan of Jalaluddin Baba. At a later date, Baba even asked his wife, ‘Do you want to see Baba?’ Mrs. Jaya Prakash replied, ‘Yes.’ Baba said, ‘Will you be afraid?’ She replied,'”No, I will not be afraid.’ Immediately, she noticed immense bright light radiating from his hand; she got frightened and left immediately.
During those days, Mr. Jaya Prakash used to visit many Yogis and Sages. He once went to Mata Manikeshwari temple. He received a divine message from her: ‘Dear child, if all Yogis are light bulbs, Nampally Baba is like the generator supplying electricity to all the bulbs.‘
A barber by the name of Srinu used to visit Baba. He used to have frequent chest pain, which was becoming severe. He wanted to consult a doctor, but that night Baba appeared in his dream and asked him to come near. Baba gave him one rupee and asked him to bring a cigarette. When he got the cigarette, Baba asked him, ‘Do you have chest pain? Drink this Theertha.’ Saying this, Baba gave him Theertha to drink. The following day when he woke up, he was surprised and recollected this dream. After that, for the rest of his life, he never had chest pain again.
One of the relatives of Shravan Kumar, who was a scientist, never used to visit Baba even though his entire family visited Baba. He used to say, ‘Until Baba himself gives me a separate darshan, I will not go to him.’ Then, Baba appeared to him one night, saying, ‘I stand beyond the state where even science can reach.‘ He realised the greatness of Baba and from then onwards started visiting him frequently.
A devotee of Ramana Maharshi used to stay in Chennai and frequently visit Arunachalam. Later he had to stay in Hyderabad but was disappointed that he could not visit Arunachalam as often as he used to. One night he had a dream where he saw Ramana Maharshi in a cave. He went to Bhagavan and prostrated in front of him. But when he rose, he saw Nampally Baba in place of Ramana Maharshi. He realised that both are the expression of one pure consciousness; later, he often visited Baba.
A man named Anjaiah visited Baba frequently. Initially, he had many bad habits. One night he had a vision of Baba along with one devotee sitting beside Baba. The devotee looked at Anjaiah and told him, ‘What do you understand about Baba? If one thinks of him, it will change one’s destiny.‘ Later he left all bad habits and became a devotee of Baba.
Another devotee named Shailaja from Visakhapatnam suffered from a lump in her breast, causing her immense pain. Once, she was circumambulating around the Samadhi. It was just five minutes that she started (she usually does for one hr ) when her pain increased immensely and became almost unbearable. But still she continued and completed the circumambulation, after which she sat down. To her surprise, the pain disappeared, and even the lump also had disappeared, leaving absolutely no trace.
One day Mrs. Shobamma had a dream in which a big stone fell on her leg, causing her severe pain. On waking up, she was totally fine. But that afternoon, a brick fell on her leg, and immediately she had severe swelling and pain. A local doctor was called who gave medicine, applied a bandage to her leg, and strictly advised her to rest until she recovered. Immediately after the doctor left, Baba shouted at her to get up and walk. Though initially reluctant, she got up and walked. To her surprise, she had neither pain nor swelling.
Dr. Satyanarayana was a Dental Doctor in Kurnool. He used to visit Baba often. One day, when he went for the darshan of Nampally Baba, Baba took four sticks out of a matchbox and threw them down. Later he brought all of them closer by his foot and put them in a different box. Even though one of the devotees mentioned that it might be symbolic of something important, no one could comprehend it. When he went with four relatives from Hyderabad to Kurnool, traveling on a highway, his car met with a major accident. Luckily no one died, and all had minor injuries. Those four people were sitting at a corner of the road. Some other known person took them in their car. Later they realised what Baba had meant with his unusual act. By his grace, their lives were saved, and they were transferred into another vehicle and taken home safely.

Holy Sites and Pilgrimages
NAMPALLY BABA SAMADHI MANDIR – Sri Dharmapuri, Madinaguda, Deepthisri Nagar, Miyapur, Telangana 500050
External Links – rare live footage of Sri Nampally Baba on YouTube