Overview and Significance
Sri Sri Vittalananda Saraswati’s birth and parents are unknown; it is still a mystery. The first appearance of Babaji on this Earth as a seven-year-old boy is at Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India. Sri Sri Kaikadi Maharaj saw him for the first time and adopted him as his son. When Vittal Babaji was in his 8th year of life, while asleep, he miraculously reached Shirdi, where he got initiated into spirituality by Shirdi Sai Baba.
Vittal Babaji travelled around to spread the Datta tradition and settled in Andhra Pradesh, India, at Vallabhapuram. Babaji had an accomplished Maha Samadhi on the 18th of July, 2014. After attaining Maha Samadhi, Sri Vittal Babaji is even more active through miracles and continues to bless his devotees.
Life History
Sri Sri Kaikadi Maharaj saw Vittal Babaji as a seven-year-old child for the first time and adopted him as his son. When Vittal Babaji was eight years old, while asleep, he miraculously reached Shirdi, where he received initiation into the Datta tradition by Shirdi Sai Baba. After a few days, Sai Baba appeared to Sri Kaikadi Maharaj in a dream and advised him to take his disciple back.
After a few years, Sri Vittal Babaji left for Rishikesh in the Himalayan region as per the instructions of Sri Kaikada Maharaj, where he stayed in the Kailasa ashram and performed Guru Seva for a few years. Later by the instructions of Sri Vishnu Maha Devananda Swamy, Sri Vittal Babaji left for Manasa Sarovaram near Kailash to perform meditation and tapas (penance). There he was blessed with the darshan (appearance) of Adrushya (invisible) Maha (great) Gurus.
Advised by the great invisible Gurus, Sri Vittal Babaji dedicated his life to spreading divinity, sanctity, devotion, kindness, selflessness, and peace amongst the people for their spiritual growth to become better human beings. Since then, Vittal Babaji (also called miracle boy) started showing many leelas. There are no physical records of Vittal Babaji’s birth details on this Earth. Sri Sri Sri Vitthalanand Saraswathy Maharaj is the first physical Guru of the founder of AdiGuru – The Essence of Life. He is considered to be a father figure in the Golden Dattatreya Tradition.
Vittal Babaji’s Mahasamadhi was attended by his spiritual son Mohanji. The Trustees of the Ashram of Vittal Babaji requested that Mohanji perform the Ganesh puja and the first digging of the earth where the Samadhi was to be built. Mohanji confessed that it was a great honor for him. This again confirms the relation between Vittal Babaji and Mohanji as being that of Father and son. It also ensures that it was Babaji’s wish as well. Many great Saints, including Shri Vidyanandji, Sri Chaitanyanandaji, and Shri Shiv Sai Babaji, were present and participated in this grand and memorable ceremony.
At around 4 pm, Babaji’s body was taken around the Ashram and its adjacent area in a procession lead by all of the Gurus. It felt as if the King was being carried around his kingdom for the last time. The procession finally ended at the courtyard of the Samadhi Mandir, where amidst the chanting of Vedic Mantras by the Priests, abhishekam was done by all the saints present. After the abhishekam, Babaji’s body was placed in a 6’x 4’ pit and filled with sand from the Krishna river, sea salt, turmeric, ash, and camphor. In the pit, Babaji seemed to be in the Samadhi pose, his face smiling with satisfaction at having completed his task successfully and finally merging with the Supreme. All the devotees were given a chance to bid a final farewell to their very dear (grandfather) and Guru. Sri Sri Sri Vitthalananda Saraswati’s blessings and love will always remain in the hearts and souls of His devotees.

Tradition and Gurus
Vittal Babaji is from the Sri Sri Sarveshwarananda Saraswathi Maharaj (famously known as Mahavatar Babaji) Guru Parampara (tradition). Sri Sri Mahavatar Babaji’s disciple was Sri Sri Nityananda Saraswathi Maharaj, whose disciple was Sri Sri Sri Niranjananda Saraswathi Maharaj, who initiated the Sanyas Diksha to Vittal Babaji. He was given the Deeksha name ‘Sri Sri Sri Vittalananda Saraswathi Maharaj’.
Vittal Babaji was a contemporary of Sri Chinmayananda of Chinmaya Mission while undergoing spiritual learning at Rishikesh. He was brought to Andhra Pradesh in 1966 by then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh (a state in India), the late Mr. Kasu Brahmananda Reddy. After that, Vittal Babaji made Andhra Pradesh his home state. Vittal Babaji traveled on foot all over India and visited all the holy places, including the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra. He visited Andhra Pradesh several times, spreading the Datta tradition and Shirdi Sai leelas there. Many Shirdi Sai and Datta temples were constructed and inaugurated by Vittal Babaji.
He conducted Shirdi Sai Satcharitra / Guru Charitra Parayan (Reading) at several places across the state. As advised by the Lord Sripada Srivallabha, he constructed Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dattatreya Swamy Maha Samsthana Peetham (Sri Datta Peetham) near Kuravpur, Srikshetra.
Guruji Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swamy Ashram of Mysore said that Vittal Babaji had close rapport with him and lauded Vittal Babaji as the fatherly figure of the Sri Datta Tradition. Another spiritual Guruji, Sri Siva Sai Baba, said that Vittal Babaji’s soul had left the body to become another Universal Master. Therefore, none of the devotees should grieve over Vittal Babaji leaving the body.
Sri Vittal Babaji wrote the complete life history of Shri Swami Samarth in Telugu and Kannada (Indian languages). Both books are now published. With Vittal Babaji’s blessings and under His supervision, the life history of Sri Shankar Maharaj from Pune was also published in Telugu.
Sri Vittal Babaji preached that serving food or food Seva is the best activity to relieve oneself from sins and encouraged the devotees to participate in this activity. Sri Vittal Babaji performed food Seva to the devotees during Krishna Pushkarams (dedicated to worshipping rivers and taking a dip in the holy river) and Godavari Pushkarams from 1978 onwards. Almost 40 to 50 thousand pilgrims per day were fed with mouth-watering dishes, including sweets and unlimited meals for all 12 days. This is no ordinary task. The grace of Vittal Babaji showered abundantly, and in every frame of this herculean task, Babaji was visible. Words fall short of explaining this great event.
Sri Sri Vittal Babaji has given elementary teachings to humankind about the mind. Man is the only being who has the mind power to think; thoughts are unpredictable and unique. Man sees in his life whether he becomes wise or degrades himself through his thoughts.
Babaji says the mind can be kept clean and healthy by reading books on Masters and chanting God’s names so that the mind is in peace and good thoughts are generated. Slowly, the mind comes under your control; it starts listening to you, and meditation starts gradually and peacefully.
Babaji says a man with a bad (negative) mind is a bad (negative) person as he is thinking badly. The mind plays an essential role in shaping human life. The mind is the only reason whether we choose to do good or bad. Man has to elevate himself by his mind. Once the mind is controlled and becomes peaceful, slowly detachment to worldly things starts to happen. With a stable mind, self-realization is possible. The mind becomes righteous, and man becomes a supreme soul. Then we experience the joy of a steady mind and the bliss state.
Vittal Babaji explained in simple words the role of destiny. He says our present birth depends on the merits and demerits of our past lives, as written in many holy scriptures. Man’s birth and lifestyle are connected to a wheel of merits and demerits. This wheel of karma-vidhi (lifestyle-destiny) paves the way to future life. Babaji says we call it a wheel because it is a cycle of birth and death that keeps on taking place until karma is exhausted. At death, the soul leaves the body, and birth is taken into another body. The reason for birth is karma-fate-destiny. Depending on deeds, a destiny is decided for the next birth.
Babaji says face all happiness and sorrows with courage in your life, and also do social service (selfless seva), chanting divine names, being kind to all beings, and singing sacred songs all add to good deeds. You will carry forward these good deeds as a spiritual balance to your next birth. This is the treasure you take to your next birth. Do not ever forget this, Babaji advised his devotees.
Vittal Babaji says we can change our destiny by doing good deeds. These good deeds yield good results, so in the next birth or sometimes even in this birth, life is not wasted. Good deeds always give good results. Vittal Babaji also encouraged his devotees to follow particular good virtues in their day-to-day life. They should not get sucked into sorrows that bring stress to their life.
Out of a total of 26 good virtues, even if one of them is taken and practiced with great dedication, all the rest will fall in place automatically, as they are interconnected. Some good virtues are fearlessness/courage, control over sense organs, cultivating spiritual knowledge, purification of mind, virtuous observance, self-study, non-violence (Ahimsa), and compassion for all living beings.
Some divine quotes of Vittal Babaji:
‘Sripada Swami gives assurance that whoever takes His name with devotion and faith all their desires will be fulfilled, and He will remain there in His subtle form. This is the ultimate truth.’
‘Time will not wait for anyone.’
‘I will accept any smallest gifts offered by you with love, devotion, and faith. But, even if you offer valuable gifts without love, devotion, and faith, they will not be accepted by Me.’
‘Along with devotion, one should have patience, dedication, and faith, and while offering anything to Him, they should have the feeling that, “What is yours I offer to you, nothing is mine!”‘
‘One should never judge and talk badly of others; especially he should never criticize the one who is on the spiritual path.’
‘One should always keep his promises.’
‘A disciple should always have his Guru in his thoughts and should meditate upon Him.’
Babaji also speaks about temples, when devotees should visit temples, and what they should do inside:
‘The temple bell is to invite Godly nature into us and eliminate bad habits from our heads. Listen to the AUM (OMKARA) sound vibrated from the Bell. It is essential not just to ring the temple bell and ignore it; the importance lies in listening to the AUM sound generated by the bell. No matter who rings the bell, our attention must be on the sound of AUM from the temple bell. The whole essence lies in locking our eyes on the Devata Murthi (IDOL OF GOD) from head to toes and completely surrendering to the Divine. God’s Idol glows with vibrations, all these images should get locked in our heart, and one should sit for two minutes to do ‘Manana‘ (contemplation) of the idol. Darshanam (visiting God ) means to do pari poorna and have full complete sight of the god idol. Not to close our eyes when we are in front of the idol, but to feel the vibrations.
Babaji also spoke about how children should be treated in the right way by parents. Not just imposing lots of homework on them when they are back from school—instead, children should be provided with a conducive environment at home once they are back from school. Parents should have a friendly talk about the happenings at school for an hour or so and then let the children be allowed to play or do any casual stuff. This way, the child will have a diversion in their brain and psychologically be strong.
Babaji also spoke of the present times when people have become very greedy and not behaving like humans. Among the entire species of the world, there are 8,400,000 in total. In them, 8,399,999 will think only of the present. The only species that thinks of tomorrow are humans. Greed has reached humans to the extent that people stock up money or properties to feed generations after generations. People are starving their bodies to serve the children generations to come. Babaji says whoever starves the body and makes it suffer will not get another human form in the next lifetimes.
Vittal Babaji says to analyse your behavior, look at yourself in the mirror. Whenever you see all species equally with compassion, God lands in front of you. So be kind to every species in the universe.
Babaji always reminded his devotees to reach the highest divine consciousness. ‘Who intends to have the bliss should give up materialistic desires. One should also throw out attachment to name, fame, and riches. One should keep a distance from worldly affairs. Once the love and affection towards the God or Supreme Soul start and the taste of this nectar develops, no other thing in this world can be attractive. That time he may behave like a lunatic. But he will always be immersed in spiritual ecstasy.’
Sacred Practices/Sadhana
As predicted by great Mahatmas or Rishis, the effect of Kali in the current Kali Yuga is estimated to be severe in the years to come. To reduce the impact of Kali and achieve world peace, Sri Vittal Babaji has conducted several Sri Guru Charitra Saptah Parayan (Readings), Sri Bhagavad Gita knowledge discourses, Gayatri Homa’s and Sri Datta Maala Mantra Homa’s (fire offerings).
Sri Vittal Babaji has given several Sanyasa (renunciates of the world) Deekshas (initiation), Sri Datta Deekshas, and Upadeshams to devotees. He advised them to lead a pious life by eliminating all evil thoughts and deeds. According to some devotees, Sri Vittal Babaji has appeared as Sripada Sri Vallabha Swamy, Sri Dattatreya Swamy, Panduranga Vittal, Devi Santoshi Matha (Divine Mother), and Devi Anagha Matha (Divine Mother) in their dreams.

There are numerous miracles shared by his devotees all over the world. Vittal Babaji was an incarnation of the Lord Datta Tradition, and many have experienced his subtle presence, fulfilling their desires and sometimes helping with family problems. Some of the experiences with Vittal Babaji are as follows:
A gentleman from Bangalore knew our Vittal Babaji; he used to meet him and obtain his blessings. After the Maha Samadhi, he paid one or two visits to Vallabhapuram, but he felt that Babaji was more like a friend than a Guru. One day he was trying to start his motorbike. He was continuously kicking the starting rod, but for some reason, it would not start. Meanwhile, an aged person with a long beard and wearing trousers and a shirt came near him. On seeing the gentleman, he recognized that person as Babaji. He called him Babaji, but immediately Babaji told him ‘Don’t call me Babaji, call me ‘Mr. Vittal’,’ and also told him, ‘Come. I will come with you,’ and sat on this gentleman’s motorbike. Both went to his house. After reaching the home, both washed their feet and hands. After taking a rest for a while, Mr. Vittal said that he felt hungry and needed a meal. After eating, both slept for some time, and Mr. Vittal (Babaji) left.
Meanwhile, the gentleman asked his wife to serve him some food. Then he told her that he (Mr. Vittal) had received food, but he didn’t. She asked him why he needed food again since just a few minutes ago, he had eaten. The miracle is that none of the family members saw Babaji physically. Babaji had given his word that he would visit this gentleman’s house and kept his promise. This amazing miracle happened after Babaji attained MahaSamadhi. Babaji appeared alive in body, sat on a motorbike as a pillion rider, had food, slept for some time, and then disappeared.
Another experience shared by devotees – ‘I have experienced Guruji’s presence in the form of cigar smell (Vittal Babaji used to smoke cigars). The following day before picking up my little girl from her daycare, I felt like talking to Guruji and called him; he accepted my call. I said: Jai Gurudatta Baba. Guruji said: Jai Gurudatta Beta, tell me. I said: Baba, I felt like talking to you once. Everything is just normal at my end, and in a few minutes, I need to pick up my little girl from her Daycare. Guruji said: Oh, okay. Then, I went to the Daycare and took my little girl home. The moment I opened the house door, there was a strong cigar smell all over the living room and kitchen. I thanked Babaji for coming to my house and giving me such a beautiful experience to feel his presence with us for a little while; later, the smell faded away.’
One time a staunch devotee gifted shoes that were brought from the USA to Vittal Babaji. It was difficult for Babaji to wear them as they did not have a grip, so he could not walk with them. With a lot of compassion, Babaji said to his devotee, don’t feel bad, but these shoes are like my padukas; take them with you and keep them at your home. When stressed and going through many emotions, the devotee saw that when she touched the shoes, it felt like Babaji’s feet were inside the shoes. So Babaji always shows his presence to his loving devotees. Sri Vittal Babaji is continuing to perform miracles and is blessing devotees with employment, health, kids, marriage, and many more even after his Mahasamadhi.
Contemporary Masters
Brahmarishi Mohanji was deeply connected to Vittal Babaji. Mohanji says, ‘I first met Vittal Babaji on December 19th, 2012, in Hyderabad, India.’ On December 21st, 2012, supposedly the day a shift started – a change in consciousness, Mohanji said, ‘I met him two days ago. I had no idea who Babaji was. When I met him, he looked at me, and he said: ‘Oh, precious diamond. Come, sit next to me.’ (Normally, a pontiff never allows anybody to sit next to him because you either sit behind him or in front of him on the floor). So I said: ‘No, Babaji. I will sit on the floor.’ He said: ‘No, you sit here,’ and then he declared to the people: ‘He is equal to me.’ Then he removed a ring from his finger and put it on mine; this was proof of a deep connection and my authenticity. That’s the time when he gave me the title ‘Raja Rishi, Raja Yogi.’ That was my first title. I never asked. Vittal Babaji gave me the title after meeting him within 5 to 10 minutes. Vittal Babaji became my spiritual father and Guru even though we never stayed together or he imparted knowledge to me. Vittal Babaji represented the Golden tradition of Lord Dattatreya. This was like proof of a deep connection and my authenticity.
Vittal Babaji came to Palakkad via Bangalore for the installation (pranapratistha) of the Shirdi Sai statue in the temple. During that time, a devotee asked him, ‘Why did you give Mohanji the title Raja Yogi?’ Because it’s a big title, said Babaji. ‘There is like a spiritual market now. I will not explain to you what the Raja Yogi is, because tomorrow a lot of people will say, ‘I’m also a Raja Yogi.’ But understand he is a Raja Yogi because I can see that in Mohanji.’ And then Vittal Babaji showed on his mobile phone a picture to devotees where on Datta’s idol, my (Mohanji’s) face had appeared. Then the devotee asked, ‘How did Mohanji’s face come there?’ Babaji said, ‘Ask him.’
Mohanji explained, ‘Raja is a king or an emperor. Yoga is that you are an emperor, i.e. you are not bound by anything on Earth. That is precisely what Raja yoga is. Something which is unbound. Nothing can bind you, no practice, thing, person, situation, or time – nothing binds you. That is the state. It’s a state of BEING TOTALLY FREE.’ Mohanji also shared his love for Vittal and gratitude to Vittal Babaji in his own words after Babaji’s Mahasamadhi. Mohanji personally attended the occasion and took part in all the rituals done for the great Master Babaji. Vittal Babaji attained Maha Samadhi on 18 July 2015 at 5 AM.
Mohanji, speaking about Vittal Babaji, said: ‘Babaji walked into my life almost two years ago. I have always followed my inner guidance in spirituality discreetly. Nobody initiated me or gave me any spiritual titles until then. I was a spiritual orphan, he made me belong. He gave me a home. I have always walked alone in life and was never afraid. He reinforced me. When I met him last month, I asked him if I could withdraw from public life and stay within to be without. He said, ‘Not yet.’ He understood my pain of violated stillness and said, ‘I will talk for you to people if you feel tired of the superficial.’ Thus he was ready to support me as if I were his own son. He even commissioned the construction of my own exclusive space in Shree Vallabha Puram. Before leaving, he hugged me. I can never forget that hug. So much compassion and love.
He autographed and handed over his English copies of Guru Geeta and Guru Charitra. He also asked me to address the people from my new abode at Dharamshala on Guru Poornima after handing over a big picture of Sai Baba. When I had to go to Mumbai to do Pran Pratishtha of Sai Baba, I spoke to him on the phone and took his permission. That was the last time we spoke. I had been like an orphan, finally finding a home and unconditional love from Babaji. I cherish the same feeling still. He hugs, he protects, and he supports. I prostrate at his lotus feet with complete humility and the love that I am capable of expressing. My humble salutations to a great soul.’
Holy Sites and Pilgrimages
Gurusthanam of Sri Vittal Babaji in India
Sri Sri Sri Jagatguru Dattatreya Maha Samasthana Peetam
Sripada Srivallabha (Kuruvapuram), Pasupula village
Makthal Mandal, Narayanpet district, Telangana.
Peetam: Sri Vittal Baba,
Sri Pada Seva Samithi Trust,
Ramnagar, Mussheerabad,
Hyderabad. Telangana-500020
Sripada Srivallabha Leela Vaibhavam is a holy book written by Sri Vittal Babaji. It is considered the second part of Sripada Charitarmurtham. This book contains Leela’s (miracles) of Vittal Babaji in a subtle state. Possibly because of this writing, Sri Vittal Babaji is said to be an incarnation of Sripada Sri Vallabha Swamy, but he never revealed it to his devotees.